Gostaria de compartilhar o lançamento de Glossolalia, uma coletânea do PEN America lindamente editada por Diane Mehta, Eric Becker e Mirna Queiroz. Sou uma das escritoras brasileiras convidadas. Na semana passada tivemos a notícia de que Glossolalia, cujo lançamento aconteceu há pouco, já teria uma reimpressão devido ao grande interesse das livrarias americanas.
Participo com uma reportagem sobre João e Raimunda, refugiados de Belo Monte, na bela tradução de Diane Grosklaus Whitty.
Confira um trecho da reportagem em inglês:
João asks Raimunda to die with him in sacrifice
João e Raimunda. Fotos: Lilo Clareto/Arquivo Pessoal
The saga of João and Raimunda comes to a head against the backdrop of a massacre acknowledged neither by the Brazilian government nor by most Brazilians. As their two-act drama unfolds, it is in the forest that they search for a way out, swept along by the current of the Xingu, one of the Amazon’s most biodiversified rivers. And there they find their futures, like the river, dammed up. A man and a woman, just two among the thousands forced out by the construction of Belo Monte, announced as the world’s third-largest hydroelectric project.
Today, it is as refugees from their own country that João and Raimunda wander a territory they no longer recognize and where they do not recognize themselves. Their bodies bear the imprint of a historic crossroads, of a country that has reached the present after belonging to the future for so very long, only to find itself mired in the past. Their story is the epilogue of a political party elected to power on the promise that it would deliver dignity to the poorest and most vulnerable, but which betrayed them, here in the region lying farthest from the center of Brazil’s political and economic power. Their story also reveals the anatomy of a distortion: that of living in a formal democracy while subject to powers above the law. When victims suffer violence that goes unacknowledged, it inflicts even greater pain on them, and they are violated all over again by a feeling of unreality. When their world convulsed, Raimunda and João chose different destinies.
Raimunda opted to live, even though she was shattered to pieces. João doesn’t know how to live. For him, meaning lies solely in sacrifice through death.
João and Raimunda have arrived at this impasse.
Leia AQUI o artigo completo sobre João e Raimunda em inglês.
E AQUI a versão original, em português.
A edição digital do livro está disponível para venda AQUI.
Participam da coletânea “Women writing Brazil” (Mulheres escrevendo o Brasil), da Glossolalia: Eric M. B. Becker, Eliane Brum, Alison Entrekin, Orides Fontela, Marília Garcia, Daniel Hahn, Noemi Jeffe, Hilary Kaplan, Maurinete Lima, Adriana Lisbosa, Maria Ester Maciel, Ana Martins Marques, Betty Mindlin, Julia Moraes, Zoë Perry, Flávia Rocha, Alice Sant’Anna, Lygia Fagundes Telles, Elvira Vigna, Diane Grosklaus Whitty
Confira outros textos do livro:
Three Poems
Marília Garcia, Tradução. Hilary Kaplan
mouthwatering / now a bit emotional / now i’m a professional / now it’s your turn
Seminar on the Extermination of Rats
Lygia Fagundes Telles, Tradução: Eric M. B. Becker
A thick wall as though a bag of rubbery rocks had been emptied from the roof now rolled in from every side in a rumble of tiny legs, squeaking, and hundreds of black
eyes aglow.