Reprodução The New Yorker
October 28, 2019 Issue
The Collector of Leftover Souls, by Eliane Brum, translated from the Portuguese by Diane Grosklaus Whitty (Graywolf). A Brazilian journalist, aiming to transcend reductive stereotypes of her country—“Carnival and soccer. Favelas, butts, and violence”—writes about what she calls “everyday insurrections.” In poetic, immersive essays, Brum assembles a chorus of “many Brazilian tongues”: forest-dwelling midwives, elderly-care-home residents, a terminal cancer patient, far-flung Amazon populations. In a São Paulo favela, she investigates not violence and death but “the delicate things that made life possible,” challenging herself to maintain an “eye of astonishment” while chronicling inequality.
(Resenha publicada em The New Yorker)