From the Center of the World to the End of the World

Eliane Brum
Translated by Diane Grosklaus Whitty

Photography © Christian Åslund / Greenpeace Feature photograph: Icebergs seen through the porthole of Greenpeace ship Esperanza, Antarctica, 2020 In-text photograph: View from the Arctic Sunrise as it transits towards Drake Passage from the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, 2020

Photography © Christian Åslund / Greenpeace –  Icebergs seen through the porthole of Greenpeace ship Esperanza, Antarctica, 2020

I had my hand stuck in a toilet in one of the nine bathrooms on the ship Arctic Sunrise when Tim Lewis pushed his tousled head through the door to tell me they would be showing a movie that evening about a virus that was devastating the whole world – except the Antarctic. Tim, a freelance marine biologist, was a member of a scientific expedition organized by Greenpeace and it was part of his mission to listen to whales, a task he threw himself into as if listening to a symphony from another world. I was concentrating on scrubbing out a dirty spot of unpleasantly explicit origin, and so I absorbed his information absentmindedly. At that moment, in January 2020, I had no way of knowing that Tim was not simply describing yet another disaster movie.


Leia o artigo completo na GRANTA (read it, in english – somente em inglês)

Lado B do Rio #217 – Eliane Brum

O pessoal do podcast Lado B do Rio fez uma entrevista incrível sobre Banzeiro òkòtó, com tempo e contexto. Aliás, fui espiar lá, só tem entrevistas incríveis. Recomendo muito!

lado-b-do-rioCaio Bellandi, Daniel Soares, Fagner Torres e Luara Ramos recebem a jornalista e escritora Eliane Brum para falar sobre seu novo livro “Banzeiro Òkòtó: Uma Viagem À Amazônia Centro Do Mundo”. Um papo sobre a saúde do planeta, a resistência em comunidade e muito mais.

Ouça AQUI.

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